When do you pivot?

And when do you stay the course?

In strategic planning they say there are two different kinds of personas?

The hedgehog.

And the fox.

The hedgehog advances methodically and steadily, unwavering in its pursuit of the goal.

On the other hand, the swift fox frequently darts around, enticed by shiny distractions, yet readily seizes new opportunities.

Both have necessary roles for meeting your strategic goals and objectives.

I definitely have fox tendencies.

I move quickly and easily, launching new ideas, always thinking of new projects. I worry more about the loss in not doing something, rather than the fear of failing and not ever trying in the first place.

However, foxes can find themselves in circles leading nowhere, which is where hedgehogs come into play, helping us maintain focus and forward momentum.

During our annual conference I announced we wouldn’t meet in-person for a big annual conference next year. But after an amazing trip to Boston with the magic of WiBE women coming together this month, my inner fox is contemplating how we could still capitalize on bringing members together in person.

While it is good to stay the course, sometimes you have to swerve. #StayTuned as we work on more ways to bring us together in person in 2024.


— Lisa Leander, Founder & CEO

*Hedgehog Concept from the book, Good to Great by Jim Collins

Read the full bulletin here.