About Us
Women in isolation cannot redefine the future of business education
Women in BizEd (WiBE, pronounced WEE-bee) is a private membership community representing hundreds of business school academics and administrators around the world.
We cultivate and support inspiring and ambitious leaders dedicated to advancing the future of business education.
It’s a platform for members to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices, promoting professional growth and development at every career stage.
Members can access multiple programs a month, both virtual and in-person around the world, including workshops, leadership summits, and mentorship opportunities.

We believe that everyone must have a seat at the table to shape the future of business education.
We welcome women and men in our membership.
WiBE membership is open to all business school administrators and faculty, regardless of age, color, disability, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
WiBE showcases how a market-driven and inclusive approach can transform the future of business education by supporting new emerging leaders.
Women in Business Education is proudly a woman-owned limited liability company headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, USA.
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About the Founder
20 years, 22 countries, almost 100 business schools
Where were the women?
In the last two decades I’ve worked with hundreds of different business schools in twenty two countries. From writing strategic plans, developing new programs to establishing partnerships, I was exposed to almost every aspect of a business school.
Yet everywhere I traveled I discovered the same thing. We would struggle for gender balance at every steering committee meeting, conference agenda, or dean’s council.
When I did have the rare opportunity to work with women at the top levels of leadership I very much enjoyed connecting with these trail blazing, brilliant, clever, rock star, courageous leaders! For years I have wanted to bring these change makers together to build a powerful and cohesive network.